Complete name: Pocahontas
Age and Birthday: 20 , 1st of december
Home country: China
Known languages: Chinese, Mongolian, English (Very broken)
Occupation: Hunter
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown Almost Black
She was born to a woman named Tua in the Mongolian region, Her mother raised her on her own. She has never known her father, but she was promised that one day she would because he would come back for the both of them. But he never came, eventually Poca just grew up and refused to believe her mothers stories of the fine warrior that was her supposed father. When she got old enough she took to working in the fields selling what she could grow so that she could feed herself and her mother. When a better job was offered, that she work for one of the mongol lords as a servant. She took it against the advice of her mother.... just leaving on the boat without another word to her, angry that her mother wanted her to stay with her waiting for someone who would never come.
The boat was caught in a hell of a storm... it brought down the boat and many of the men sank, Poca clung to a piece of driftwood and was pulled unto the shore. That was the first time she set foot on the island Eris created, and she's regretted getting out of that ocean ever since. Like the others who were at the shore with her she was escorted into the tree of life promising to be led down her path. In these competitions she managed to get one prize out of it all, a canoe that she could use to traverse the island. But the young woman saw the sick twisted truth of Eris and her island, fleeing from Eris' temple into the forest where she hid for many years. Then she began to strike back, she had grown up into a brave fighter and wanted off the island, wanting to go back home to her mother.
She has been stuck on this island with nothing to do but fight off whatever Eris sends her way to kill her and try to survive in this hell hole. Forcing her to learn how to fight, steal and even kill.
Pocahontas is a strong willed stubborn woman, it was the only way she could survive on the island she has long since abandoned the typical womanly ways in favor of being able to live. When confronted with hostility she matches it with just as much if not more ferocity, no long the type of woman to be so easily pushed around. But due to the nature of her entrapment, she is not a trusting person in any way it takes a while for anyone to break into her shell. This leaves some of her basic socail skills lacking because for a good number of years she has had to be more animal then human. Very fast and clever she trained in the jungle how to be sneaky so that she could watch people without being noticed. When it comes to animals her personality varies, creatures that are edible are food only, while predators like Sabor are respected and usually given fair distance.
Tua (Mother) -
Pochontas has only one parent in her eyes, Tua her mother whose whereabouts and condition are unknown due to Poca being trapped on the island for years.
Shan Yu (Father) -
The man that her mother promised would one day come back... but never did, she doesnt know for certain if Shan Yu is her father and its not just one of Eris' tricks. One things for certain she really doesnt like him
Rose (Enemy) -
She's with Eris thats all Poca needs to want to kick her ass
Eris (Enemy) -
She hates her, wants to kill her