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 Familiar Taste of Envy /Tag:BriarRose/

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Aantal berichten : 69
Registratiedatum : 2012-11-16

Familiar Taste of Envy /Tag:BriarRose/ Empty
PostSubject: Familiar Taste of Envy /Tag:BriarRose/   Familiar Taste of Envy /Tag:BriarRose/ I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 12, 2013 6:20 am

Cassim awoke with a sigh.
He had slight aches throughout his body.
But that didn't stop him from rising to his feet as he looked around warily.
Same place... He scrunched his face at the thought that this was one of the only places he's seen.
He glanced over at BriarRose.
She's probably seen every inch of this island.
Know all its secrets.
He narrowed his eyes on her.
He shook out the thought and approached her quietly.
He gently touched her cheek with a smile.
Her most recent actions were put against her making her look like a terrible person but he wasn't sure she was.
He placed the blanket over her and stepped back watching her.
He exhaled, glad to finally be in control of his emotions.
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Aantal berichten : 129
Registratiedatum : 2012-09-25

Familiar Taste of Envy /Tag:BriarRose/ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Familiar Taste of Envy /Tag:BriarRose/   Familiar Taste of Envy /Tag:BriarRose/ I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 12, 2013 7:36 am

Rose was asleep. A dream that never seemed to end. When she finally woke up she gasped. That dream was strange. She noticed a blanket around her. But..she did not have the blanket before did she? Rose softly rubbed her eyes. Slowly sitting up. She was still in the place she was before. Thinking about that dream she had. She was glad she had regained control over it. She looked arround. Finding Cassim who was staring at her again. Though he had a different look in his eyes. She blinked. ''Do you feel better?''
Staying where she was. With a confused look. She wondered how that desert city was what he spoke about. She wanted to go there. She would do anything to leave this island. though she was bound to it. Why couldn't she be born in the normal world? Perhaps that would have been much better..
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Familiar Taste of Envy /Tag:BriarRose/
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